Why We Need a Haven
Now Booking my Fall Haven Writing Retreats in Montana… September 18-22 ( a few spots left) September 25-29 (a few spots left) You do not have to be a writer to come…just someone who is deeply...
View ArticleHow to Survive Empty Nest (AKA: Mommy Massage Money)
Now Booking my Fall Haven Writing Retreats in Montana… September 18-22 (one spot left) September 25-29 (a few spots left) You do not have to be a writer to come…just someone who is deeply longing to...
View ArticleThe “Me Time” Medal: a week of wellness
What does it take, I wonder, to just…stop? To stop the madness of pushing buttons and swiping, clicking, scrolling from one screen to the next, taking trains, planes, and automobiles here and there...
View ArticleCommunity or Netflix: (get off your couch)
So this is new: going out socially as a single entity. I’ve never really done it. Not in my daily life. I mean—yeah—to the grocery store, or kids’ sporting events, or whatever quotidian life has...
View ArticleSacred Solitude: a holiday date with your vulnerability
I write a lot about pain. I always have. Writing moves the pain through me and moves me through it. Some of that pain-processing stays in my journal, but a lot of it ends up in my newsletters, blogs,...
View ArticleWhy I Wrote WILLA’S GROVE: Finding your So Now What?
As seen on Women’s Writers, Women’s Books Book ideas are always coming to me. I’m usually working on a few at the same time and always in different genres—different ways to find the truth. That’s what...
View ArticleSpread Love (not viruses)
I have letters from my family that go back to the 1918 flu epidemic. Many of them. And they all talk about the Grippe in a beautiful, dedicated, and terrified ink script: “Dear, Son. I knitted you...
View ArticleSo Now What: love from Laura, and the women of Willa’s Grove
We’re all asking this question right now, globally: So Now What? Life isn’t going as we planned, to say the least, due to COVID-19. So many of our labored-over plans have been derailed. We’re off...
View ArticleA Gift for You: let’s write our way through this
I went out to the front porch today, feeling so low. Worrying about the things that we’re all worrying about right now. Trying not to worry. Trying to focus on one breath after the next. Trying to feel...
View ArticleThe Purge: Reclaiming my office. Reclaiming my solitude.
Do you have a place in your home where you let all the things you don’t want to deal with stack up? And then ignore it for so long that you can feel its teeth in the back of your … Continue reading →
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